看到校友群里大家一片爱心,但缺少可信任又直接的渠道把爱传递出去。 我们几个“老”校友碰了个头,建议成立一个校友基金由校友组成的委员会直接运作,保证把筹集来的每一分钱送到为一线战疫的医护工作者及其家属的手里。这里说说简单的想法:
The situation in Wuhan has put all of us in grief.
We saw great compassion and willingness to help but share the concern that there's no reputable channels to channel the donation to the right target. we hereby volunteer to set up a charity that is managed by Alumni representatives and deliver the donation directly in the hands of the family of those fallen angels (doctors or nurses who sacrifice their lives during the fight against the New CornaVirus Epidemic). Below are some initial proposals
基金名称: 哈佛商学院中国校友新冠慈善基金
Name of the Charity: Covid-19 HBS alumnil Charity;
Purpose: To provide support for the families of those fallen angels including Dr. Wenliang Li
Principle: Transparent; Direct and Efficiency
Committee Members: initially Mei Zhang, Andy Lin and Ray Yang (we welcome Alumni volunteers)
Due to the time constrain, we won't be able to formally register the charity to the relative agencies but we promised to keep 100% transparency in terms of number of donations and total value of the donation, we will also update the progress of beneficiaries selection and screening process as well as the progress in the future.
1. 本次发立的捐款只面向哈佛商学院校友及其机构;
we only accept donations from HBS alumni as well as their relative institutions;
2. 在群里直接报名接龙:名字+商学院年级+捐款金额;
please indicate your donation pledge in the WeChat group: name+HBS affiliation+donation amount
3. 捐款金额不限多少,重在参与。如果不想披露金额,写“随缘”即可,之后私信告诉委员会具体金额
your participation matters and every penny counts, you can choose not to disclose the amount but inform the committee member in private message
4. 点击付款链接https://yoopay.cn/tc/ryang6
Please donate by click the link or scan the code;
或者 扫后续二维码支付善款
欢迎校友提出宝贵意见,献言献策 ,支持监督
any suggestions, recommendations and supervision from Alumni are welcome.
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